Abel has been adopted into the Sparrows Club by Westview High School and sponsored by The Safeway Foundation.  The Sparrows Club is a beautiful program that brings schools and the community together to lend a hand to kids with a medical need.  We are in so much awe and gratitude of the amazing outpouring of support and love we have received from them. Here is a video they put together on Abel.
3/1/2012 12:08:17 pm

Just beautiful! I'm so glad your family has been adopted by these kids. I'm sure the benefits will flow both ways.

3/1/2012 02:15:43 pm

WOW! So great! And I can't believe you maintained your composure! Once I start crying, the floodgates are open!! :)

Can't wait for our Sparrow Club to get going....

3/1/2012 04:53:56 pm

Oh Abel, I love you so much my friend.

3/1/2012 08:46:25 pm

Wow. Wow. Wow! You inspire me. Love on Abel for me today. :)


3/1/2012 09:38:53 pm

Congratulations. My daughter was a Sparrow several years ago at Highland Elementary. I too was so inspired by the warmth and compassion that the program creates. I trust this will be a positive experience for your family. This year as my daughter is in school as a first grader...tables have turned and we are now doing volunteer work for the Sparrow at Juniper. My how we grow over the years. If you would like either of the books that the Sparrow club offers I have extra copies of A Thousand Tiny Sparrows and One Small Sparrow. I found them helpful to read during our experience...although you may already have them. They did a very nice job on your video. Blessings! Wendy

3/1/2012 11:21:41 pm

Oh my, Abel is just SO adorable!! This video is wonderful. I'm so glad that he got "adopted" by this group!!

Michelle K.
4/3/2012 04:04:51 am

Wow, I have chills. What an amazing tribute to Abel, and his power to inspire and motivate others. My daughter will be starting kindergarten this fall in Bend, and I can't wait to get involved with the Sparrow Club at her school.

4/4/2012 11:47:25 am

Thank you! The Sparrow Clubs need lots of donations and help. They are doing an amazing job of helping as many kids as they can but it is a lot of work, done mostly by teachers who are already stretched thin helping all of our kids!

8/1/2013 05:28:41 pm

I am impressed with Abel Sparrows mission! There are lots of clubs working in the state whose concern is entertainment alone but you guys have shown excellent example for everyone by taking part in such noble missions! All the best for your efforts!


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